So this is my birthday cake, courtesy of ermm, me. Yeah I bought my own birthday cake. Well Eli brought it, but I ermm... Paid for it hahahah...
Buncha crazy girls who first saw a suite. One of the few pictures that I'm allowed to show cos they're still covered. Hehehe...
Ok a more decent and proper (note the italics) of us again. Macam wanitas Melayu terakhir ini tiga-tiga nii... Aku jer tak. Tengok tu seluar pun singkat. HAHAHA
Ok my cake, wearing my new necklace from Huda and Dayana. It's red. I very the luuurrvvee...
Ahhh... Masque application by Dayang Leyana. And afterwards, massage from head to toe by Masseuse Juliarti. Bliss feast. Picture not included cos it was very obscene. (Think of Ju sitting on top of my back. That's some funky shit lah). Hohoho... We ate and talked and danced and jumped on the expensive Regent beds. Hopefully the springs are still working okay. Burned beautifuls candles and light up some aromatherapy sticks. Finished up the free Dilmah teas in the special Dilmah box and asked for more sugar and cream. And I just realised like NOW. That I forgot to tip that guy who brought up the cream and sugar. He must be thinking "Taik hidong masin ah ini budak pompuan. Duduk jer kat suite tapi tips tarak". Cos he looks like the kind who would say 'tarak' instead of 'takder'.Used BATHROBES after showering. Please lah ehh... Kita macam setep mana peh tai-tai. You tell me, do you wear bathrobes after showering at home?? No right?? But that Saturday was an exception. Bathrobes lah... Fuzzy slippers all... Semua benda free bedal jer lah! Then the favourite Girls Bonding Night. Not the kinky bonding can. Sorry to disappoint. But the actual talk session. And I agree totally that they shall remain in the many, many walls of that suite. I wished the night would go on forever. I was willing my sleepy eyes to stay open, girls, I swear. But I couldn't help it. Too much alcohol the day before. Cheybah. Wanted to swing by Hard Rock that night and leave my girls for awhile while I go boogey but my party friend Yana met with an accident and I didn't have anyone to go with so that idea was burnt. I thought I should get drunk on Punch again but I suppose Peach Tea and Dilmah sufficed. Oh and I kept farting the whole night. Wtf. Must be the massage from Ju. She's so skinny and small but I swear she has the most magical fingers, I tell you. I kept trying to run away inconspicuously from the group to fart away the air, but of course they saw. But it's those kinda odourless flatulents, so its okay. Hahaha... It was a blast, wasn't it girls? Wish more had come. But I was happy Eli, Ju, Ratna, Leyana and Huda came. Couldn't ask for more, really. Thanks Huda for the CDs. Definitely livened up the atmosphere. Thanks Ju, Ley and Nana for the food. And thanks Eli for ermm... Carrying the cake. Thanks yous for the company!Thanks to all the well-wishes from all yous well-wishers. Even from those that I've probably only spoken to twice in all my life. It was a nice surprise. Appreciated. But above all, thanks Yan for everything. You made this possible. I appreciate everything, sweetheart @>;----
the enigma was spotted at 13:41