10th july 1983
in love with yan
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Pics from HK
With Huda and Moonie. We were soo late for the D&D because some of us had this bright idea to go shopping at Sogo first. Hurhur. And we took so much time taking pictures that I did not have time to help myself to the desserts. What a waste. They had such a nice dessert spread! I helped myself to seconds, though. Hurhur.
With Sal. She was so into the theme, I tell ya. Siap dengan headband abeh headband and dress matching all. Very ago-go. Hurhur.
With Nadz. I forgot to put up a picture with her initially and she merajuk. So here it is! Happy? Chet~
With Kak Wati. Like fairy godmother, she. With the hair and the white flowy gown.
I like this picture because I think I look like a French courtesan! HAHA ok bedek. I think the lace gloves are the only thing 50s about me. I didn't rent my hat in the end :(
Ok enough of D&D pics. Let's see what Hong Kong is all about.
Ok firstly, the picture says 'No Music' but KENAPER eh the caption says 'To quiet car"? Hopefully you can read the blurred words just under the ching chong fun words. Ok never mind. Moving on.
Seems like an ad/banner for a shop specializing in mending bowls with cracks right? ONLY they wrote it 'mending bowls with cramp'! Eh nyah, abenda cramp ni?!?! I didn't know bowls can have cramps lor geez. Nadz and I laughed our asses off cos it's not like it's a small banner. Besar nyah banner nyer!
Rick must be the one who makes these chocolate pudding with custard sauce.
And my favourite - Boay and Foot massage! This is my theory. When the massage people were sending these for printing, they gave the printers a picture of the feet and hand-wrote 'Body & Foot', only they probably wrote the 'd' in body is such a way that it looks like an 'a'. Boay tahan ah Awing pandai-pandai come up with a theory. Hurhur.
I bought this cap in HK! It's a ciplak Giorgio Armani hurhur... Caps are good to have when you have bad hair days - which I had during my entire trip there. And because washing my hair in the salon would eat into my shopping time so a cap was my saving grace!
And believe it or not, this was my only meal that I bought in Hong Kong. Cos we had lunch in the plane, then the D&D food, and breakfasts were provided by the hotel. It's tandoori chicken nasi goreng and it's good! I was told that the place is run by a Malay guy who used to live in Kembangan. It's called Shadowman and they have PCs with Internet access too. Good for a Muslim travelling in HK. It's quite near Sheraton, where we stayed. I can't believe I didn't take pictures of our room. It's awesome! I used and kebas most of the things. Hurhur. What? I'm Singaporean what.
Ok next up, Bangkok! Hurhur... My mum scolded me cos she said I should be saving up for Hari Raya instead of spending on travelling. Frankly, I would rather spend on travelling than spend for Hari Raya. See the streets of another country than spend on another baju kurung. Howell.
I haven't told her about Australia yet. I might follow Yan and stay with his sister there for a few days. Aku ni macam-macam lah. But it's so exciting!