I'm on the PC in my brother's room and he was at his laptop and he saw me reading a blog (well, mine actually) and he went like "Abeh kepo eh read other people's blog". I answered "What? It's mine what.." to which he showed some interest. I then told him that guys shouldn't have blogs cos it's just a tad sissy lah. BUT if a guy really wants a blog, he should write about intelligent things and not bitch and whine about nonsense. Let the girls have that honour, shall we. Because I know of some guys who can bitch and bitch and whine and whine better and girls and they really come across as someone who don't have much between the ears.
Okay so there could be some issues you guys wanna address and give an opinion of but if a guy does it matter-of-factly, then it doesn't seem so bad. And after listening to me, I think my brother got tired of the intricacies and he said "Ok ah whatever" like the typical 17-year old mat.
You know, it has been a habit of mine to watch my Korean fantasy on celluloid every night right, so last night, I put in disc 3 of Biscuit Teacher and Star Candy and ..... Nothing. Nothing came on screen. I panicked at the disco cos I thought that I must have damaged the dvd player or something and spent the next 2 hours sulking in front of channel 5 watching women lifting weights instead of watching Gong Yoo. Ok I digress a bit here.
I think women shouldn't lift weights lah. Period. Mampos nyar your womb will drop ten thousand floors down, you know! Then you cannot have babies, how! I think, no matter how much a woman denies the ticking biological clock, she will always want to have a baby. The feeling might come and go, but it will always be there.
So my point being, if you carry 70-120kg on a regular basis, how can the womb be strong enough to carry a life?? All the strains on the womb and the body! It's so scary lah these women, especially when I see them gritting their teeth and quivering to carry a house. There are so many other sports worthy of participating. And frankly, who wants to be stronger than a man? If you're physically stronger than a man, then how can you ask their help to unscrew a tight lid of tomato ketchup bottle and stroke their ego at the same time? I'm sorry, but I just can't appreciate the sport. Some jobs are better left to the men.
Anyway, I got so worried about my dvd player that I sms-ed Faiz to help me check that it is okay (Ah, another thing to let the men do the job. All these wayar-wayar and electronic gadgets ni, bukan nyer aku faham!). I got home and ta-dah!! All is good. I can watch my Korean serials now! I think, men should know how to at least fix a leaking pipe. Or change a light bulb.
The other day, the girls and I were talking about guys and how handy they are in the house. Jila, the one with Handy Hassan, used to have a boyfriend whom she said couldn't even fix a leaking pipe! Hurhur. Apparently, she was so distraught by the realisation that it became one of the factors why she dumped him. I find that funny at first but hey, who wants to waddle around in a house flooded with toilet water!
So the table conversation went something like this "Ratna, Sharul pandai fix a leaking pipe taaaakk?" Ratna: "Pandai!" Us in chorus: "Bagus!" "Awin, Yan pandai fix a leaking pipe taaakkk??" Awin: "Pandai!" Them is chorus: "Bagus!" Ah macam gitu lah kawan-kawan aku assess each others' boyfriends - whether they know how to fix leaking pipes or not. Doesn't matter if Yan actually knows how to fix leaking pipes or not, but I've seen him do other manly things so I think that's fine. Very important.
the enigma was spotted at 23:02