a week later from the last
Thursday, July 21, 2005
So I've been procrastinating in updating the lowdowns of my life. Not that most would be interested anyway...
Two days ago, on the 19th, I celebrated my 1st year of being a gainfully employed Singaporean. Well ok, maybe the word shouldn't be 'celebrated'. 'Acknowledged' would be more suitable. I took a long, hard reflection on the past year and I realised that it has been quite a ride. Things, major things, happened in just that one year.
One thing's for sure: I have more white hairs than I had a year ago. So anyhow, on that 19th, my menses decided to pay me a visit. There I was, on my 1st year of being a gainfully employed Singaporean, and I had to whine and cry and did alot of tsk-ing and swearing and clutching the tummy. Does NOT help that I ran out of Evening Primrose Oil and Panadol Menstrual. Last Saturday, I practiced my second career as a tai-tai. Went for some traditional Javanese massage, scrub and steambath. The masseuse massaged every parts of my body. Every. Ok maybe not down there but she definitely massaged my chest. I had my eyes closed in bliss when she suddenly whipped away the towel covering my body and started doing some err... lifting massage on my two best friends. My eyes snapped open but ho00 well... It's all in the name of the Javanese spirit. I am, afterall, half Javanese. Haha...But that boy Yan had a more traumatic story. Suffice to say that he got his best friend MANhandled. It doesn't help that his male masseuse is ahh... the soft, gentle kind. It's ok dear... You are, afterall, half Javanese too.*********************Wednesday night with the NCC babes was fab. Too bad Boon Chin and Farena couldn't make it. Dinner at Al-Tazzaq was delicious nak mampos. You should really check it out. Arab Street. All in light of Raihana's going-away to Germany for her attachment. I told her to remember to bring back one German moslem for me. Preferably male. Kidddiiiing~Anyway Rai babe, hope this experience in Germany would do you good. Embrace the culture, the good and the dirt of it. Oh and don't go out at night. And oh remember the German phrase I taught you. The only German phrase I know. Here's to your life there~ *clinks glasses*And to all, here's to an early great weekend.
the enigma was spotted at 09:16