First things first. I just realised Fidza tagged me into this. So being a good person and being not-too-free-but-can-spare-a-few-minutes, I'll do this.
THE RULES: List five songs that you currently love. It doesn't matter what genre they are from, whether they have words, or even if they're any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying right now. Post these instructions, the artists, and the songs in your blog. Then tag five other friends to see what they're listening to. 1) Close To You - The Carpenters (I'm being biased, since it's the song playing now on my blog)
2) Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
3) Belly-Dancer - Akon (haha... Minah lah right... They like to play this song at Hard Rock. But I suspect I'm a closet-minah all along. In fact, if I had been in a mixed-school, I'd be those Anak Met yang pukul bantai punya lah!!)
4) La Isla Bonita - Madonna (orchids and bare-feet on sand, please)
5) Suasana Di Hari Raya - Anuar Zain & Ellina (semangat Hari Raya lah lai lai!!)
As you can see, I swear I'm actually a 30 year old trapped in a 22 year old body. I don't know why I love old songs so much. I'll start feeling nostalgic and melodramatic. Like just now, I heard Girls Just Wanna Have Fun at Watsons and I did a little jiggy when I was sure nobody's watching. And then realised a staff standing obscurely behind some display staring suspiciously at me. Eh, aku punya seluar dalam ahh... Apa stare-stare...
the enigma was spotted at 14:21