Stayed till 8 p.m. last evening. Was alternating between work and chatting with Ley on MSN. It was a riot, lah... I told her I was feeling down in the dumps and feeling absolutely rotten but she made me laugh again. Thanks, dearie...
So this is a gist of what we discussed. She told me that she and I, we're like the Washington apples. We're so expensive and so high up in the tree, it's hard for them apple-pickers to get us. Only those apple-pickers who are brave and willing to risk his life for us would see our worth. And take the trouble to pick us. Whereas all those easy girls (and may I add here, boyfriend-snatchers), are the Del-Monte apples. Those apples at the lower part of the tree. For the sheer reason that they're cheap and easily gotten. And for those apples that are on the ground, it doesn't take much effort to pick them up, innit?
So yeah, you may not get what I'm trying to say, but that made me feel tonnes better by the end of the day.
And also because that certain someone
new messaged me that I'm quite a good catch (or somewhere along that line). I guess if circumstances are a bit different, he could be the apple of my eye. Haha pun intended.
Now all I have to do is, think of Washington Apples, and read that message again =)
These girls' attendences are required this Friday for iftar. And Jila, no. NOT on a Saturday.
Awin, Eli, Jila, Ley, Ratna, Maz, Suhana, Fazy, Nurah, Fidza and Farena, and the rest who wants to join us, you're welcome to. Please do the calling and messaging, people. I'm quite tired of being the organizer.
Venue: Esplanade (specific place a secret due to some interests)
Time: 1815hrs
Dress code: Gorgeousness, as always.
Don't disappoint us, girls.
the enigma was spotted at 13:53