I have a huge-ass pimple. Guess where?
At the entrance of my left nostril. It's huge-ass, I tell ya. Now if only my ass is that big, I'd be half-happy.
I dare not touch it because it may leave a scar, and we don't want a scar at the entrance of my nostril, do we now? Because it will look like as if a perpetual goo is hanging for dear life at the entrance of my nostril. Haha...
Sometimes, I really pity people who are misinformed/clueless/stupid.
They think they're too damn smart and just say what they want. It's sad, really. Because they don't even know that their 'friends' are talking behind their back.
Me? I just sit back and have my own little tickle fest. I laugh and laugh and laugh to myself.
It's so satisfying to witness the stupidity of some.
the enigma was spotted at 13:55