I was on MC for 2 days. After eating McDonalds ice-cream on Monday night, my upper lip swell to about 2 sizes its normal size.
Not only that, I have rashes all over my body. I can't sleep that night and I had hallucinations.
Ah nak sangat kan jadi adik Angelina Jolie. Hah nah amik kau! My upper lip ada macam ala-ala Angelina Jolie. Call me Awina Jolie.
The doctor said it's hives and severe skin irritation. Apparently, I'm allergic to something. Some viral infection thing. Aku iyer kan ajer... I just want my damn meds and MC. Tak senonoh siak jalan-jalan kat Gek Poh Ville dengan bibir swollen. It's like shit, understand?
It got better today, thank god. I should have taken a picture of myself with my sexy lip, yo.
the enigma was spotted at 19:01