Hey Yan! Have fun at Hong Kong, you jetsetter you!
And no, I don't want any Hong Konger, Muslim or not. You DON'T have to bring back one for me. Because, you know... I don't really dig sepets. Except for maybe a few (read: Rain). Hurhur.
Jangan termakan bibimbap ok...
(Ok I know bibimbap is not pork. I know it's a Korean chicken/beef dish. But I like saying 'bibimbap' in reference to pork ok? Because I think the word is SESUAI with the said food item. Hurhur).
So kira-kirakan NI... I will be single for about oh, 4-5 days? I almost forgot about this, until Jila the Flirt reminded me that I will be for the next few days. Hurhur.
P.S. And Yan, no hanky-panky with your boyfriend over there.
the enigma was spotted at 13:02