I must be really sick, because I BLOGGED TWICE TODAY.
Now, when was the last time something like this has happened?
I'm going bonkers, I'm telling ya...
BONKERS. Anyway, I just want to berate Jila here. Fadzillah Fawzy? Konversasi kita di MSN has never happened, ok?
Never. Oh I just want to gush a bit here, actually. I caught the first few episodes of Prison Break Season 2 and
hello? Siapa boleh spell p.a.n.a.s ni?? Itu Wentworth amat panas, betul tak bedek. But I noticed something amiss in PB2. I guess I didn't see so much of Wentworth's squinting eyes, like in PB1. Probably because in PB1 kan, involved a lot of planning and scheming so muka kena macam ala-ala thinkinggg....
And in PB2, it's more action than talk. So kira-kirakan Michael Scofield the Brain has to be Michael Scofield the Brawn hurhur ohmygawdIthinkIamverylamebutit'sthefluIswear.
I was on MSN with Latifah the other day and she said that she's convinced Wentworth Miller is either a) gay or b) has an
unimpressive err.... Equipment.
a) because he's too good to be straight. We agreed that no straight man can be as perfect as him; and
b) because even if he is
that perfect from the outside, then he must be hiding some sorta imperfection
inside. Hence therefore thus! He's got an umimpressive equipment. Hurhur.
Her theory, not mine. Mine was a).
the enigma was spotted at 19:00