I've made my last cup of milo in the morning.
I've used up the last of my staples.
I've finished writing my notes and 'to-do' list in my green notebook.
I've deleted the last of my personal folders from the PC.
I've said my last "M******* Partnership, good morning!"
I sang my last song on Class 95 on Arjun's old radio.
And, I've seen Wispy for the last time ever, because the chances of me bumping into him at 80 Robinson Road again is akin to say, my chances of being a supermodel. Hurhur.
Oh this one, I must tell you. I was saying my goodbyes in the office and wiping my tear-streaked face with Pret A Manger napkin and all, when Tharu and Kala called me on my phone and said the magic words
"Faz, I think your Wispy is downstairs!" I screamed to Angela to get her ass moving NOW, grabbed the last of my fags and scrambled to the ground floor, where, like a visage from my memory, I saw him, smoking by the main entrance. I wanted to smile cos I remembered Parveen urging me to just smile, but just as I was about to, he looked down. Bloody hell. Konon-konon malu ah tu...
He looks like Jake Gyllenhaal lah. Really! Jake with longer hair. Same mole above the upper lip all.
Yan, you cannot be angry with me okay. Because it's the same as your infatuation with that talent-less Avril Lavigne. Heh.
I think, I'm not going to blog for a long, long time now. Maybe, never? But that's a pretty strong 'maybe', baby.
This one's for the road.
the enigma was spotted at 18:14