This time tomorrow, I will be sitting next to Ratna in the plane to Incheon while Ley sits behind us. Hurhur.
But I fell sad too you know. I don't really like the feeling of leaving Singapore and saying goodbyes to the people who sent me off. Aku kalau travel selalu mesti ada at least 10 orang hantar. Serious, tak bedek. That time to NZ, I had my family, my grandparents, Ratna, Maz, Eli, Yan, Bernard, and 3 of Yan's friends whose names I don't recall. Dah 14 tu. And then I end up crying cos I cannot bear to see them seeing me off.
Macam mana nak jadi globe-trotter ni!
Oh and Ratna and Ley, don't be surprised if you see me sniffing into my pillow somewhere on the 6th night or so eh. Cos that's when I'll start missing my family and friends. Alah korang buat tak tau jer lah.. Heh.
Oh I have one bit of news.
My uncle found out that I was going Korea yesterday right. So then he told me it's snowing there and I asked him how did he know. He said he has a Korean friend whom he got to know when he was an International student at a university in Malaysia. This guy was an International Political Studies (or something) student there. He said this Korean guy is a regular army personnel and his camp is at the border of North Korea and South Korea. HELLO THAT'S WHERE GONG YOO'S CAMP IS HOKAY?!! Eh apa ni! Gong Yoo is nearer to me than I thought! Must be nice to my uncle then maybe he'll let me talk to this Korean friend of his. Then can ask him to pass his handphone to Gong Yoo and that's where we will begin our friendship. WOW it's possible ok! Hurhur. It's possible right, when I put it this way. No?
Ok then. Must go home and pack. Haven't packed yet lah siols.
the enigma was spotted at 22:43