In my 2 July 2009 entry, I wrote that I felt that something's about to happen.
And it is also not a good thing.
To write about it would be to welcome further unnecessaries. But it is enough to say that I'm left , once again, feeling like a 2nd-class citizen. And it's so easy for people to talk about it huh, to judge me this and that but guess what? None of you are in my shoes and nobody understands what I've been going through. And then more.
SO, I've set tongues awagging. Alot of tongues. All these same kepo tongues would also be better off looking after themselves.
When something like this happen, it's only natural for me to fall sick because I'd be thinking too much, eating too little, and basically my body takes a beating from all the mess. So it was no surprise that I fell sick and my fever was like 39*c!! I thought I had H1N1 and on top of that, I think I had constipation too. I thought I was going to die. The cough came back and I hate to say this, but my coughs are very persistent (like a bad ex), and they usually take awhile to heal (like a bad breakup). Haha my analogies are whacked.
So anyway, I hope I don't cough too much in the office because I sure as hell do not want to offend anyone. God knows people get offended by me this past week already. I'm speaking in circles and in riddles and I think I better stop or I'll confuse myself further.
the enigma was spotted at 15:20
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