10th july 1983
in love with yan
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I'm still a teenager, I swear
He is very hot and very the lurve. He is also old - 40. But he has eyes that make you wanna jaga your whole life, you know. Like Jake Gyllenhaal. Hurhur. I think I must have been deprived of all these crushes when I was younger because why else would I be drowning in drool over hot guys like Simon Baker. I know his Patrick Jane in The Mentalist is all acting but hello! How can sexy be acting!! Hurhur. Ok I'm aware how I sound like but I cannot help it. Aku kalau tengok Mentalist kan, nanti senyum-senyum sendiri tau... Macam segan seh nak tengok.
Like how I smile to myself when I watch Gong Yoo. Dah lama tak bebual pasal Gong Yoo. He'll finish NS end of this year. Confirm nanti body berg eh. HAHA. I hate that word berg. Reminds me of hesbok.
I'm rushing home tonight to watch him cos I missed him last week. I found one other person who is crazy over him. Haha... Eh very difficult to find someone who likes someone I like you know. Cos my taste is a bit erm... Different. But you already know that.
I wish I could blog more. I miss it and I know you girls miss me too. I don't think anyone comes by here anymore, which is fine because before that, I had alot of spies reading my blog.
Oh speaking of spies eh, I find some people so bloody annoying. Is it not apparent that I don't like talking to you? Because I find you as fake as Fann Wong's eyelashes. So striking up little and passing conversations (if you can even call it that) are not my favourite things to do. Just pretend I don't exist lah, which is fine by me.
Ok time to go. Patrick Jane's waiting!