It's lunch time but I'm right here typing away.
Anyway, had a Blondie Moment last week. I actually tasted how it'd be like to be a blondie.
I shampooed my hair, had my shower and applied hair conditioner. While waiting for the conditioner to work its magic, I brushed my teeth and scrubbed my face. Then I stepped out of the bathroom and got ready for bed.
So there I was on my bed, lounging around and getting ready to sleep when I casually touched my hair.
Sounds pretty normal right?
Except I did not wash off my conditioner.
I smelled my fingers and true enough - Smooth Texture salon conditioner. Had to get up at 1a.m. and do the necessaries.
Never had my Blondie Moment been so memorable.
I wonder if I would lapse to a Blondie Moment again. It feels great. I'm kinda getting tired of being smart all the time.
the enigma was spotted at 13:31