... or maybe it should be ku-Malas. Because I'm feeling positively sleepy now. Had lunch from Komala's, courtesy of Tharu, my colleague. That's nice of her. It was a free lunch. Heh...
So Queen Eli would be starting work at my work-place soon. At the front-desk. She would be the image of Madhavan Partnership. A representative. Cheydebah. Temporary position until the lady whose place she's filling in comes back from her maternity leave. But Eli, I won't have lunch with you, you know... Yours is at 12p.m. Mine's at 1p.m. But that's okay cos you'll be Eli the Employed. Hehe...
The Princesses celebrated Princess Asree's birthday on Tuesday. We went to Al-Tazzaq and half of the time, there were complaining about the food and what-nots. And then we went to Marina South because Dayana wanted to smear expensive cake on Asree's face. It was a mistake ok, I'm telling you. My legs were aggressively attacked by them vicious mosquitoes! Vicious, I tell you, VICIOUS!! I had like, ten thousand bites on my legs cann!! Ok there were almost 12 bites lah but whatever. The bumps were so f****n HUGE! Blardee mozzies were sucking the life out of me. I almost cried seeing how they destroyed my legs. I was whining about how my friends don't love me cos they were happily snapping pictures while I was scratching like mad. The long fingernails came in handy though.
And on the drive back, I was feeling sick. I thought I had caught dengue fever and prayed to God to spare my life. I was nauseous. I was dizzy. My stomach was churning. Then I realised that it was Asree's crazy driving that drove me to such a state. He thought that he was the next Michael Schumacher. No, he's not. Confirm. Ok gotta get back to work. I'm trying my hands on something new called matrimonial preceedings. Yes, I'm doing Divorce. It's so depressing to prepare papers for people who are divorcing. But I'm diggin the scandalous issues as well. OooooH Yeah! Gimme! Gimme! Gimme scandals!! I'm lapping it up.
the enigma was spotted at 13:48