My mum suffered the same thing again as the one she had in June. On Wednesday morning at 1.25 a.m., my brother knocked on my bedroom door. I opened and saw my mum gasping for dear breaths. Her skin was waxy cold to the touch. She was perpiring from every pore of her body. She was pale and staring into space. She couldn't speak. I was numb and scared shitless. Good thing my brother Farhan was there. He massaged my mum. My dad quickly got ready to send her to NUH. I bundled my mum up and told her not to wear tudung, cos it's so troublesome when she's so sick like that. She grabbed one nonetheless. I told Farhan to look after her and looked after my dad too; see that he's not speeding like mad. I stayed at home to look after the house and Faiz.
I pity Farhan and my dad cos both of them did not have the chance to sleep before my mum got down with the gastric flu again. I'm not even sure if it's gastric flu. I'll just call it that for now. Farhan has been juggling school, body-building and work on weekends. On top of that, he has been going home late almost everyday due to his entrepreneuring stuff. His sales-pitch from house to house selling magnetic mattress sheets. I didn't tell him straight in his face but I kinda admire his preseverance and will and never-say-die attitude. Maybe I should place my ego aside and tell him that I do admire him.
So on Wednesday, I took an urgent leave to look after my mum. My dad has to work, and I told my brother to just go to school cos he had exams. I wonder how he managed to do his papers without sleep. So apparently, they stayed at NUH with my mum until about 6a.m. and the doctor concluded that my mum has alot of gas in her body. How scary is that. All the gases accumulated and causes sickness. She was prescribed Antacid. The doctors increased her dosage from 10ml per intake in June, to 15ml per intake now. She's going to a gastroenterologist this October for a scope to ascertain the real cause of the problem. I pray she's going to be okay.
I have alot of things on my mind. I suddenly feel that I have to take on some responsibilities in the house. Too many times, I've taken my mum for granted. Like cleaning the house and such. And doing all the mumsy chores, like taking out the garbage or the simple task of washing the dishes. I hope I can be strong. I hate feeling insecure and incapable.
Last Saturday at the gig at MICA building, I did not do any juvenile behaviour. Because the Red Missus came aknock-knock-knocking on my uterus wall. So instead of jumping for joy, I was cringing with pain. And if that's not enough, I was so overdressed. I was the only girl wearing ORANGE okay for goodness' sakes. All the girls wore like either black, black or black. Black nail polish, black lips, black hair, black-kohled eyes. I looked really friendly in comparison. Haha... And dig this: Yan was the only male wearing PINK. How sweet. The other guys wore either, you've guessed it, black, black or black.
I was just staring at my surroundings with boredom and had my arms crossed. All kids lah sey... I feel quite old. Yan was like, "Shit, I can't wait to get out of here. I'm just here to play and then go." Me: "Same here." Hahaha... Lucky I went in free. Someone stole a tag (evidence you've paid and hence, able to gain entry to that 'desired', noisy place) for me. And I bumped into my cousin. She was in the standard uniform of black. Ceydebah punk sey detu... Then she pretended I'm not her cousin. I understood perfectly. Because tak cool sey aku... Pergi sana pakai orange. Ahaha...
the enigma was spotted at 09:15