So the receptionist has given birth. A few of us visited her at KKH during a self-declared "extended" lunch-time and the is baby sooo cute, I tell you! We were cooing, ohh-ing and ahh-ing but I didn't dare hold the baby. Mampos siak nanti leher dia terkehel ker... Anak orang sey. Bukan anak patung. Haha. And so words like "water bag", "induce" and "labour" are used very liberally here at the mo. I hear detailed accounts of mothers in the office who have been there, done that. All scary stories, I tell you. S.C.A.R.Y. I mean, they tell their tales when they were in the labour ward where the vagina opening (is it?) is not yet 10cm so the doctor has to cut it open, big enough for the baby's head to come through. Oh but before that, the doctor will put his whole hand to feel if the baby is ready to be delivered. And then comes the pushing and panting like mad, until your legs were bent up in the air because of the pain. Hell-OOO... To much information cann. But it's like a morbid fascination, you know... You hate listening to it yet you want to know more... So there I was listening to Faridah describing her delivery and the whole time, I was clutching my tummy and squeezing my legs close and making strange faces and noises, as if by doing so, I won't be able to feel it. How like this! I want to be pregnant by 25 because I want to be a young mum but after all the horror the horror, I have doubts now. Tsk. But seeing and smelling the baby, I want one of my own. Betul, tak bedek. I guess my maternal instincts are kicking in now. Baby, baby come to mummy.
Oh shit. Then must breast-feed all right?
the enigma was spotted at 17:31