Was on MC yesterday. I was fine during the earlier part of Monday, save for a scratchy throat. But it got worst at night. Was having large bouts of sneezes and watery eyes all, the works. Penat nyahhh, aku sneeze. My nose was rubbed raw. I cried harder yesterday than when I watched I Am Sam last Saturday.
Time check is 13.38 hr. I am not having lunch. Today, and almost whole of last week. I guess because I have no lunch kaki anymore :( I miss Sal. I wish she's still around for company. For me to bug. Or to tell her of the latest happening, my weekend blabla... She's such a good company. Sigh...
Right now, Yan is having a 12-hour bus ride to some ulu village in Philippines. I told him he doesn't need Flabelos. That bus ride should cause much damage to his ass. 12-hour seouls. That's like to KL and back, balls.
This Friday, 15 September 2006. Meet 7.30p.m. ok... Venue to be confirmed later. Jadi eh please, jangan tak jadi. I know we all need this. Nooraini Miss Ozie is back in town and we can hooray-hooray. Weeeeee..... I wanna go bowling, but Eli said we'll just have dinner and chill and lepak-lepak macam juveniles. What say you, girls? Sila jangan segan, jangan silu beri pendapat kat sebelah kiri tu haaa...
the enigma was spotted at 13:40