You know what I can't stand?
People who are so yek-yek nak mampos. The kind of person who thinks he (for ease of typing, I'll refer to the person as 'he') is some big shot. Eh please lah eh... I think others know better. You can go around walking with your big balls in between your legs for all I care. I'm tempted to write more, but as usual, I shall hold this tongue because I'm-oh-so-nice like that.
Tapi takper. Tunggu kau. You wait. One day, if I can't stand it anymore, I will tell the world what you've been up to. SO dodgy and shady, this person. Ever seen verbal diarrhoea? No? Well, watch me.
I won't be like Monique from ANTM. I'm glad she's out! Because she is a bitch. See, all that bad vibes and hatred she emitted got her sick and finally, got her booted out!
If you don't already know by now, Monique is a black girl. Black girls always have attitude problem and that certain yek factor. Hurhur. In all the seasons of ANTM, there will at least be one black girl who thinks so highly of herself. This one, I didn't say. This one, Tyra Banks herself said so. Hurhur.
So, no bad vibes from Awin. I will face the world smiling!
the enigma was spotted at 17:00