10th july 1983
in love with yan
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Rudy Rudy Bo Bidy
That red-blooded piece of a hunk from Apocalypto. I watched it again on DVD and hurhur... Let's just say I was spellbound all over again. Never mind the fact that Yan was jamming his fingers off in the studio and I was outside gushing about Rudy. Hurhur... I can't find that many pictures of him because I think he's relatively unknown but all the better, because I can keep him to myself! Hurhur.
And this is for Fidza. To return the favour, babe. One good turn deserves another, I say.
Who cares about the slightly distorted, slightly scrunched up face when he has arms like that! Hurhur... Stud muffin betul lah budak ni...