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Yoga to be kidding me

Monday, February 25, 2008

My little brother is all grown up eh sila~
I went to the history of our shared PC and found this girl's blog screaming out her pain and angst cos my brother did not reciprocate her 'love' hurhur. And she was so angry, you know, that she had this entry whereby she spewed all sorts of names about my brother and called him stupid and I wanted SO much to tag her and say something like "Why do you say my brother is stupid? Look at the way you type! I think someone needs lessons in English!" cos she spells 'maybe' as 'maeb' and 'can' as 'kan' but then I didn't cos, what difference would that make me from all the hate-taggers yah. And then I'll be 16 year-olds, just like them. So never mind, let her take her O levels in peace. Nanti dia depressed abeh bunuh diri macam mana... Kids nowadays are scary when they're angry, you know. They take drastic measures. I know of one who slashes her arms cos guys keep dumping her. Well excuse me, but if guys keep dumping you, you're either with the wrong ones or there's something wrong with you.
Wah I digress so much.
Anyway, my cousin texted me this morning to ask if I would like to join her in a yoga trial session.
Eh nyar, yoga on a Sunday morning?!?! Tak stim lah sehh! But since I was gonna be around the CC this morning anyway, I said ok. She siap bawakkan new yoga mat for me and I was quite excited lah. When I reached there, I saw a lot of abang-abang firefighter cos there's some course on life saving or something and I found out something weird. I didn't feel excited upon seeing them! Because I'm pretty sure I would have been if it was say, 3 years ago. I must be getting old :/
Anyway, back to the yoga. It's hatha. I had to go to the ladies to get changed first and when I came into the class, aku nampak orang-orang semua dah baring-baring atas mat. Dalam hati aku, eh apa ni baring-baring relek-relek, kata nak yoga ni. Hurhur. Apparently, you have to be relaxed first before starting with yoga. Err so ok I bentang my mat and baring relek-relek also hurhur. A few minutes later, the real yoga commenced.
At first, they were pretty simple moves. Lepas tu kan, eh macam complicated sikit eh. And then my cousin whispered that it was an intermediate class. HAH aper!! Eh badan aku dah kenyal ni from lack of exercise from many years abeh step mana peh heroine nak join intermediate class ni! Ok takper. Kita cuba lah.
As the class progressed, eh semakin melampau eh steps dia! Jila, if you think that the masseuse at Batam tengah buat stunt-stunt kat atas Hassang, alert eh ALERT! They must have taken yoga classes! EH banyak stunts eh nyar! There was this one step where you lie on your stomach, look up and stretch your head as far back as you can, your legs bent at the knees and your hands grabbing your ankle. AH CUBA LAH KORANG. Kalau taknak cuba takper, tapi cuba imgaine. I thought ok this is not so bad and THEN Tuan Logannathan the Yogi said this:
"Ok now try rocking back and forth on your stomach".
AH APER DIA TUAN LOGANNATHAN?!?!?! Rock?? I tried but I can't!! You know why?? Because I am as heavy as a ROCK, TUAN! Rock kebabai lah rock.
I was giggling to myself cos I was positioned just beside the mirror and I looked at my reflection EH KEKEK LAH LOGAN. So tak payah nak rock-rock ni semua lah eh. Rock maintain. But I looked over at my cousin and makdatuk dia rock macam nobody's business lah hokay.. Aku tengok semua orang dalam bilik tu as still as Tanggang abeh I see my cousin rocking macam ada viking dalam stomach dia maaakk eh~
And at the end of the class, he said to me, "Miss, I think you start off with the Beginner's classes first. This one was a bit hard for you right?" Aku macam nak roll my famous eyes at him and say "DUHH" but I'm polite so I didn't. I giggled and said "Yaahh" instead cos he seems like a nice person. Hurhur. I seemed to do alot of giggling during that class cos the whole time, I keep thinking 'beached whale, beached whale' hurhur I'm so unkind to myself.
Takper, kita cuba from beginner's class first and then when I'm flexible enough to do stunt-stunt yang lain, I can exercise better and kalau nanti aku jadi supermodel, jangan marah, you'll be asking me tips for the stunts hokay hurhur...

the enigma was spotted at 00:39