I must admit, I'm scared shitless already.
I've been putting this off for so long, but I finally have to face it.
"Hi, I'd like to make an appointment for today at one, please". "For what service, ma'am?" "Where? Err... You know..." "You know... The place where the sun don't shine". (Ching chong fun)
"Where again?" "You mean brazilian wax??" Eh, kenapa aku selenge nah ni!! I got completely stoned and couldn't even say brazilian wax cos I was too shy!
Ohmygod what have I gotten myself into!
It's like a personal challenge, you know. I think, brazilian wax is right next to childbirth in the pain radar.
Ok maybe not. But it's just as scary.
And the thought of another person looking into your bits... Hmm... Ah well. Some things just gotta be done.
the enigma was spotted at 11:43