Ah. Am going to the Comeback Kid gig later.
It's so unlike me to go for some punkrock gig yah. Aku ni macam betul lah. Siap dengan dark purple nail polish and heels-heels semua! Cukup time, kaki kena pijak dengan budak-budak hingus. Takper. If that ever happens, I WILL use my sharp heels to crunch their toes. Jangan main-main kakak ofis. Hurhur.
Bali trip planning is on its way. The team has agreed that paintball is a good team activity!
Oh crap, speaking of which, I must lose weight to squeeze into my bikini. BUT I think I can't fit into it anymore, seeing that some parts of my body has gladly, miraculously grown some. Haha.
It can be quite depressing, you know. I looked at my old photos and I go EH ALAMAK! SIAPA MINAH JAMBU NI MAK DATOK KURUS SIAAAKKK... Eh serious tak bedek. I actually
had cheekbones. My collarbones were
visible. And with that short crop hair....
Sial ah. Depressing, understand.
It has come to the point where, when I'm at the gym and doing some crunches, everytime I sit up, I'll mutter under my breadth "cheekbones!" or "Beyonce!" or "size 8!"
Knn. Ah diam ah DIAMMMMM....
the enigma was spotted at 13:22