I'm still in the office. Uh-huh. Check out the time, balls.
Nadz and I both have eyes like zombies. Satu-satu mata koyak siol. Sungguh tak hensem. I still have to come back to the office for a team lunch at Ichiban Boshi. Aku semenjak dua menjak niii, asyik makan kat tempat ayam langgar jer. Menjadi-jadi, kan? But not to worry, I don't touch the animals yang kena shotgun. I would just eat the fish and shell fish. Pasal mereka tak payah kena sembelih ke aper. Hurhur..
Ok it's the lack of sleep lah nyar.
I'm so tired and burnt out. My speech is slurred. My walk is dragged. And even the drug doesn't work.
My mum just called me, asking if I'm out "at the disco". Ibu oh ibu... Orang cari rezeki ni, dia kata aku hooray-hooray. Tsk tsk. Hurhur.
But after today, the bane of my life will be over. One of the lawyers hummed to the tune of 'Final Countdown'. It has been playing in my head ever since.
One last lap, baby.
the enigma was spotted at 06:07