Like all minah-minah mentel, kalau nak dekat Hari Raya ni kan, ada jer tangan gatal nak buat rambut lah and all those girl stuffs.
And in order to not be walking around with my curly roots during Hari Raya, I went to the salon to get it straightened.
So last Sunday saw we walking into an empty salon and a lone hairstylist, who couldn't speak English except for "Please have a seat." And where his next line was "Ni geyi chiang hua yi mah?"
Bapak kau lah chiang hua yi. And then my pissed-off radar started to go berserk yar cos if there's one thing I hate, it's these foreign workers from China who come here to work but couldn't offer good service cos they couldn't speak English. And best part is, they expect me to speak their language when my forefathers were nelayans and pergi laut tangkap ikan kasi makan rakyat yang baik di tanahair ku ini ok? Ok I don't know if my forefathers were fishermen lah but history books always say that the old-school Malays of Malaya were fishermen what right? Cheybaaa see I digress so much.
Anyway, I didn't have time to be angry for long cos, well... Chinaman has a dimple -___- I know. I'm so superficial. Cos his dimple reminds me of Yan's and then I forgot why I was angry in the first place PAHAHAHA
So I sat there for 2 hours and left. And came back a week later cos he didn't do a good job on my fringe. So yesterday, I went there to get it redone and serious serious, MACAM AYAM LANGGAR DAN ITIK ISLAM BEBUAL EH~ He is the ayam langgar lah obviously. I am the itik cos after the touch-up, I can be the swan hurhurhur I'm so funny.
See it's like this. I cannot speak Mandarin except for "Wo bu geyi chiang huayi" (which defeats the purpose of saying it in Mandarin) and he couldn't speak English except for "Please have a seat" and the smattering of my Mandarin is limited to 'e tien-tien, man-man lai" ah gitu-gitu ah while his understanding of English is like "cut, rebond, shampoo" ah you get the picture eh so end up eh, aku macam seorang zuriat cacat trying to gesture with my hands how I want my hair to look like. EH SUSAH EH NYARR SILA~ Aku dah lah puasa-puasa ni! Nak kena buat miming lagik kat siniiii...
Nasib baik dia ada dimple eh. Kalau tak dah lama I say "YOU! Chinaman! I send you back home eh if you don't learn how to speak English!"
the enigma was spotted at 13:16