Yeah why don't you? Go on, spring me some surprises.
No particular person or thing or occasion here. 'You' here refers to just about anything. Just a string of events that have left me dumbfounded, lost, confused and irritated.
(And it doesn't help that Class 95 is playing songs that are bloody heart-wrenching now.)
Someone remarked something to me yesterday. Unintentionally (or not) I'm sure. But it left some sort of scar somehow. It's like how I felt 6 years ago - ugly, unworthy and unwomanly. Until you know... That certain someone saw me beyond all that.
I mean, I'm very aware of my surroundings, my friends and who I hang out with. But to have someone just go like "Asal kawan kau lawa-lawa, kau macam gini ni?" It's like HOO-KAAAYY... Haha. Sur-PRISE!!! Thanks ahh...
But you know what, after all the initial self-hatred and a bit of self-kicking, I stand again and tell myself "Yeah but so what? We're all gonna grow old and wrinkle one day anyway. I bet all those gorgeous people can't even hold a conversation half as good as I do." And also after a few verbal slaps from friends, I got over that. I move on. I always do.
Watch out World! Here comes I!
Anyway, yesterday was awesome. A trip to Hollywood Secrets and my fingernails are so Frenchy LaLa, I can't stop admiring them! I still find it hard to believe sometimes that I used to be an avid nail-biter. Bite until they bleed sometimes. Haha... Macam best tau gigit kuku. So therapeutic. It calms me down.
Did I tell you? Rainy days are the best. Rainy days and hangin out with your favourite people are even better.
Thank you, you.
the enigma was spotted at 13:41