Nice or not? My new layout? Too bad I cannot claim credits for it. I thank Ley deep deep and many many because she is so kind as to do this for me. My tactic in getting her to do this? "Ley dear... Later when you start school in January, you cannot do anymore good deeds for me you know... You cannot itchy fingers do out layouts. So why don't you design one for me now? Huh?" Yes Awin the Persuaser (as opposed to Awin the Persuader. Then again you may not understand because it is an insider joke). So Ley, thank you again!!
Ok dah. Cannot flatter her too much. She'll have a ball of a time gloating. Don't believe me? Read the entry before this. Kat bawah jer ni hahh... She shamelessly put in an entry on MY blog and went on and on and on saying how much of a
DESIGN GENIUS she is. Hurhur...
I'm wearing my new shoes which I totally dig but sakit nyaaarr... Minta ampun! I have blisters all over. Tapi takper. Lawa punya pasal. I will endure blisters, broken skin and bunions for you, my lovely shoes.
the enigma was spotted at 14:18